Saturday, March 7, 2009

holy crap!!

Fastest blog entry ever!! Forget correcting spelling mistakes, i'm up against a deadline!

I'm supposed to already have left my house to pick up some of my friends for my bachelor party, but because i don't want brian to be able to put me in a "wrestling move" tomorrow when I am all but dead to the world, i figured I'd just do this now and be a little late.

The bachelor can be late can't he?

I spent all friggin week in Boston and it just about drove me nuts. The constant work, no downtime and I even had to be locked in a Marshals store while our crews retrofitted the fixtures. All in all it was a succesful trip that will bring possibly big bucks to our company so at least it was all for not... but now i'm faced with just getting home, and now i'm leaving the most wonderful girl I know in a house all alone again. She has her friend Alex and wedding invitation stuff to keep her occupied, but I know I'll still miss her. I doubt she will feel exactly the same... more like wondering what we're all up to tonight. :-)

That's right! The time has come. it's off to the wonderful world of Hatfield to really have some fun! Poker, great food, and BEER! What more could a guy like me ask for? Speaking of which.. i best be gettin on. Pictures and more information to follow. Stay tuned!

Ho K Peace out!

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