Thursday, April 30, 2009

Odd and ends

OH lets see... what to write about.

Recently I've fallen into the habit of listening to talk radio on the AM dial. The only reason I listen to any radio anymore seems to be to get my sports highlights. I enjoy the 93X morning show because they are the only morning show that makes an effort to talk sports. I'll listen to an afternoon show on KS95 for the trivia stuff, but other than that, radio for me is boring and I hate the commercials. I have enough CD's to listen to for the music aspect but honestly, I don't know why I listen anymore. I ended up on KFAN one day and realized that they talk a lot of sports! I figured this would be a good way to pass the long drives home (when Kelsey isn't in the car) but after I dove into the actual afternoon programming I noticed that these guys are just idiots! I think one of the hosts actually has more dead air periods than when he actually is talking! It drives me nuts! Then they throw in random topics when they have nothing to talk about concerning sports, and dear GOD, they can be even more obnoxious when they go on tangents! I don't know.. I'm doing this to myself so I shouldn't complain... but seriously.. I'm not impressed.

Softball started this week. Running to first now feels like I have a plow strapped to my back instead of my usual fleet footed speed burst the 60ft to the bag. My legs still hurt two days later! Hopefully I can get into softball shape soon enough... maybe more beer will help. :-)

A while back the Johnsons were nice enough to have us out to the club for dinner. Trevor was there and he hit a new point in his young life as viewed through his uncle's eyes. He quoted Princess Bride. I'm not talking one or two lines... I'm talking MULTIPLE scenes. It didn't help that Russ and I egged him on to do most of them, but you could tell he loved it. I want him to memorize this scene:

If he does that at our wedding I'm going to die. I'll see if i can work on him this weekend. :-)

Its Derby weekend! I'm resurrecting my Calloway golf hat for luck. We'll see how it goes. Looking forward to seeing some cousins and aunts/uncles as well. But the big news is that the lake is filled up! We can finally take advantage of the whole lake! The best part though is the new boat. Dad's putting it in this weekend for the grandkids and probably even the big kids too. :-) That is of course, after the work of putting the dock in is done. :-)

All in all it should be a nice little getaway weekend to avoid the hassles of home life and wedding planning! I'm looking forward to it!

HO K Peace out.

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