I seem to be in a reflecting mood today. I keep having flashes of things I used to do way back when I was a kid pop into my head. I don't know if I'm in a nostalgic mood, or if its just my weird brain acting out because it is becoming more active with things related to weddings, spring / summer activities, and an increase in work. Regardless of the reason, the things that stick out are past events.
Its kind of weird to think about, but I've seen my brother once a week for the past 7 or 8 weeks. I think this kind of exposure to each other isn't a bad thing at all, but it definitely is not the norm. That is strictly an obvious statement given both of our schedules. He is busy on the weekends and most of the weeknights. I travel during the week and often have my own things to do on the weekends, and as such rarely have time to see him. But thanks to broomball fitting nicely into our schedules, we get a chance to have a little fun / conversation every week.
This might be the root of my flashbacks because I haven't seen him really do anything athletic or team oriented in a long time. The closest i've seen him to being "active" is when I body slam him at my parents house for Trevor's amusement. (Ok, for my amusement too) But the thing about it is that he fits into our team. He flies around and looks the same as the rest of us out on the ice. I remember when our dad would rent out the gym and would have Brian and I practice basketball. The two images kind of crossed my mind when we were playing our broomball game last Wednesday and these images were some of the latest in a long line of memories that keep circulating back.
I'm also wondering if going through mountains of old pictures for our slide show has anything to do with it. There were pictures of me and a lot of others with stuffed animals. Those stuffed animals were the reason that I had such an active imagination. They all had names, they all could talk, (Brian and I had our own separate voice for their conversations) and I still refuse to throw them out. There was also pictures of lake trips, or pictures of me in a pool. There was all kinds of sports pictures, including a really nice set where I had just teed off on a golf course. One picture was of me when i was somewhere between 10-12 years old. I had poor form of course, but i was wearing this blue fish-net trucker hat that had "Future" written in big letters on the front. The second picture was of me probably during my Sr. Year of College. Much better form, but still in the same generic pose. Its pictures like these, as well as the famous "Kevin / Rich Arms out" pose, that i'm looking forward to doing some cool tricks with in the slideshow merely for my own enjoyment. I'm really hoping that Kelsey will have similar picturs that will tie into the same "theme" and have a really fun little break from our big day to just sit back and smile at the way we were.
Quickly some of my favorite childhood memories:
-Playing basketball / golf with Dad and Grandpa.
-Trying to sneak past Krissy to get a drink of water downstairs because the water was better downstairs. :-)
-Christmas and making sure the presents were organized in everyones "spots" before the sun came up
-Playing Video games - specifically MarioKart or NHL94 thru 2001
- Car rides with the kleenex on a string out the window.
- Airplane rides with stuffed animals sticking out of our backpacks.
- Playing our games in the basement / outside. (Cops and Robbers, Bloody Murder, War and many others)
- Knee hockey!!!
-Rollerblade hockey with Bobby and Joe (more than a few times wrecking the garage door)
- Playing with Rudy
-Going to work with Dad and seeing the Koosh ball or where he keeps his Coke so they stay cold.
-Cabin trips with RC-ProAm and singing Billy Joel with Mom and Aunt "Barf"
I'll stop here because I coul probably keep going all day. :-)
HO K Peace out.