Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Spring in the steps

I guess i'll just write what's on my mind. Too much to catch up on, so lets leave it in the past.

Here's a list of things I want to do in a very short time period as soon as the snow melts.

1) Build a deck onto our house. We're using our tax returns to purchase the material for a new deck. We've got the design figured out, the materials are pretty much set, and we're really looking forward to some new patio furniture and warm nights and nice dinners overlooking the beautiful Stillwater Blvd. OK, the last part isn't so great, but we're still excited about it!

2) Re-creating my back yard. The garden must go. Sorry Kona, you get too dirty rolling around in the mud! The dead tree is coming down, and (knock on the dead wood) we're making it into a couple of benches for the fire pit. We'll put a hammock where the garden was, and have a very nice area to sit next to and enjoy many a bonfire!

3) Getting out on the bike. A paid a the price, now i gotta get my butt in gear. I'm probably looking forward to a few early morning rides and then getting out whenever i can. Either way, i want this to become a habit. We'll see what happens.

4) I joined a men's golf league. Rich and I are a team (i hope you can picture the heckling and "team building" that we will experience while we golf) :-) and it should be plenty of fun! I also want to have kelsey's new/old clubs re gripped so i have some motivation to keep her involved in learning the game. I think the motivation is more for me, because sharing the game of golf can be a very long lasting activity! Hopefully we can find some time to learn and enjoy it this summer!

5) Along the same lines, we bought some tennis rackets last fall and I'm really excited to play that as well. Maybe we can even bring Kona with us (once she's trained to come when called) to the courts and have her chase the balls that go astray! :-)

I guess I just really can't remember the last time i've been this excited about spring! With the promise of a bunch of activities I can't wait to do, I'm forced to sit here and wait for the snow to melt and the weather to get warmer.

HURRY UP!!! :-)

HO -K Peace out.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Sadduols and Noitch

It has been a long time since i've been to Noah's Ark in Wisconsin Dells. This past weekend I came as close to Noah's Ark as I could. My Dad, Mom, Krissy, Russ, Kelsey, Trevor and Gwen all went to the Kalahari resort in the Dells. The indoor water park created a great experience for everyone. Trevor got to wear himself out time, and time again on the kiddie park, and I got to feel like a kid again going down some of the fun slides. Everyone that knows me is aware of the 12 year old inside me. And this kid loves the Toilet bowl flush type water slides. Seriously, if i had access to a slide like that all day, i'd be in heaven.

Another fun part about the trip was the time i got to spend with the Godson. He really is in his element when he can show off his skills in different areas. "Uncle Kevin, watch what I can do!" "Uncle Kevin, come over here and watch me do this!" Of course, i wouldn't be the Uncle that I am if I didn't challenge him on a few things. But overall we had a great time! Kelsey did too! I secretly think she's becoming one of Trevor's favorites as well. He wouldn't let her leave! "No Buhbuh, Kelsey can't leave! We're playing the pillow game!"

The highlight of the weekend for me was playing dominoes. I had heard that its the thing to do in my family now. I like the game, and it really is a family game. My favorite part was when Trevor helped Krissy. He would play and be very patient and listen to what he was supposed to do. Somewhere along the line he called the dominoes "Sadduols." He would claim he had 4 Saduols left and then proceed to tell everyone how many saduols they had. We tried to let him know that we called them tiles, but he wouldn't have any of it. Then came the word Noitch. What this means, i don't think i'll ever find out. But it was enjoyable nonetheless.

It did end up being a vacation that totally drained everyone that attended. I think for the first time Kelsey is actually looking forward to staying in the house for a weekend. Or at least keeping things low key. I concur. :-)

No need to update on Wedding activities.. we're still trying to figure out the same old stuff.

As for me, i'm doing pretty well. Just trying to make it through the work week.

We head to the Wild Game tonight with Jill and Jamie! Looking forward to that! Hopefully we can get a win!

Ho K Peace out!